10 Surprising Renovations That Will Tank Your Home’s Value

Your home is an investment. One day, if you choose to sell it, you obviously want to sell it for as much as you can. It’s also safe to assume that if you plan to live in the house for a while, you’ll do at least a couple of renovations. There are, however, some renovations that will do more harm than good when it comes time to put your home on the market.

1. Textured Walls and Ceilings

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Textured walls and ceilings are ridiculously hard to remove and redo, and potential homebuyers might see this as a turn-off and too much work. Perhaps stick to textured modern art pieces.

2. Too Much Carpet

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According to home remodeling experts, hardwood is in, carpet is out. Stains are difficult and sometimes pricy to remove from carpeting, but hardwood is often a wipe-and-done situation. Carpet shows wear and tear a lot faster than hardwood and laminate floors too.

3. Too Modern of a Kitchen

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Surprisingly, the resale value of a significant kitchen remodel is less than what the owner likely spent on it. Instead of making the whole kitchen as high-tech and modern as possible, focus in on areas that are dated or showing wear.

4. Turning Two Rooms into One

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If you have one more bedroom in your house than you think you need, stop and consider before knocking out a wall to create one big room. Extra bedrooms, no matter how small, can add up to 15% to the home’s value. There are plenty of other ways to make a room look bigger than knocking out walls.

5. Bright Paint

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Brightly painted walls can seem quirky and fun, but having a home that is too personalized can often make it harder to sell. Luckily for you, it’s pretty easy to repaint a home before putting it on the market.

6. Funky Tiles

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Tiles are difficult and time-consuming to have removed, so keep them out of “quirky” rooms, such as the kitchen. Tiling is also usually a personal touch, and personal touches usually decrease the value of homes. Consider having neutral-colored tiling installed and buying a brightly colored rug to add that sense of personality.

7. Fancy Bathroom

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A fancy, modern bathroom can look cool, but oftentimes they lack basic functionality. Deep soaking tubs look nice, but because of their depth, they can be difficult to clean as well as get into. Over-personalized touches like bathroom hardware and floor tiling can also hurt your home’s value when you put it on the market.

8. A Full-Size In-Home Aquarium

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Walking into a house and seeing a floor-to-ceiling aquarium can be cool if you’re not the homeowner. Regular-sized aquariums are tedious to clean, but a full-sized floor to ceiling tank takes ten times the work. It is also not cheap to have it removed.

9. Swimming Pool

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Surprising, right? According to experts, adding a swimming pool only increases your home’s value by around 7%, if that. Unless you live somewhere that is hot enough for swimming at least six months out of the year, it really isn’t worth it.

10. Converted Garage

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If you’re a fitness buff or you have an adult son who wants to move home, a converted garage might sound like a great idea. For most other people, however, they’re looking for a garage to serve as a, well, garage. If they will have to do a bunch of unnecessary work to make the garage a garage again, they may think twice about purchasing the home.

This article was produced and syndicated by Nature of Home.

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