pea gravel patio

In-Depth Guide: Pea Gravel Patio Pros & Cons

Pea gravel patios have become famous thanks to low maintenance, affordability, and easy installation. You are adding to the aesthetic design and function of the home. So, if you’re looking to give your outdoor space a makeover, you should consider one. But is this a good choice for your home? Why should you prefer it … Read more

Clover Lawns: 12 Reasons Why & Best Varieties

Looking for an alternative to frequent watering, fertilizing, and weekly mowing? Clover lawns are the answer. Many people think clover is a weed that should be banished. Although, a clover lawn could be one of the best things you can do for your landscape.   Let’s discuss how this perception of clover came to be, why … Read more

22 Beautiful White Flowering Shrubs for Any Garden

White-flowered shrubs can look elegant and gorgeous in pretty much any type of outdoor space, however large or small the area you’re dealing with. You can expect some of the prettiest, most romantic, and most stunning results when choosing white flowering shrubs to decorate your garden space. There are many white flower options to choose … Read more

How to Keep Deer Out of Garden: 11 Methods You Can Use

Deer eat vegetation, from shrubs to leaves and grass, and they will sometimes find their way to your gardens if they can’t find what they need elsewhere. If you have a garden, you should figure out how to keep deer away. Why? Nothing is more frustrating than putting all your effort into growing plants in … Read more

Trees With White Flowers: 23 Beautiful Choices

How does a gardener’s heart become captivated by trees with white flowers? A single tree with large blooms of white flowers is utterly magical in its ability to enhance an entire landscape. You may be surprised by the variety of options, whether you’re planning to add just one white flowering tree or several to your … Read more

Mosquito Repellent Plants: 18 Plants (Annual & Perennial) & 2 Trees

Considering mosquitos are so tiny, they sure can make their unwelcome presence felt! However, once winter is over and rainy spring is giving way to the summer, it’s a treat to be able to enjoy the great outdoors again. However, if relaxing in the sunshine includes mosquito bites, that is sure to put a dampener … Read more

Do Pine Trees Attract Mosquitoes?  [Solved]

The pine tree’s beautiful, towering, sweet-smelling presence will benefit your garden. There are 115 species to choose from, and each one is as lovely as the rest. But is all that beauty and charm enough to plant this tree if it attracts mosquitoes? Do pine trees attract mosquitoes?  Pine trees attract mosquitoes, not because of … Read more

Homemade Mosquito Repellent: 4 Easy Steps (Spray & Balm)

As summertime approaches, so does the buzz of a universally hated (and universally present) insect: the mosquito. There are more than 3,500 species of mosquitoes worldwide, so chances are at least one of these species will show up at your barbeque uninvited.  What attracts this particular insect? It depends on the species. Some species prefer … Read more

Dandelion Flower: 11 Surprising Uses & Interesting Facts

The dandelion flower is an official symbol of spring as it is one of the first flowers to bloom Adding color to an otherwise drab landscape. Although, most people think of dandelion as a weed. That must be eliminated at all costs! How dare that pesky plant with its stubborn taproot take hold in their … Read more

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