man made broccoli with scientist

Is Broccoli Man Made or Natural? Solved & Myth Debunked

If you’re wondering, “is broccoli man made?”, the answer is yes, broccoli is man-made. But don’t panic. That doesn’t necessarily mean the vegetable originated in a laboratory. In fact, broccoli isn’t even a recent invention. Read on to learn how ancient farmers used selective breeding to produce broccoli.  Debunking the Myth: Is Broccoli Man Made? … Read more

bush cucumber plants growing on ground

Bush Cucumbers: New Space-Saving Growing Method (No Trellis)

If you love pickles and cucumbers and want to try growing and making your own, this is actually an easier process than you think. Many people assume that you need an elaborate setup of trellises and extensive gardening skills to make this happen. The truth is you can very easily take on this project with … Read more

urban garden

25 Tips for Urban Gardening

Ancient civilizations thrived in relation to their proximity to food sources thousands of years before the global food trade our world relies on today. Eridu (present-day Tell Abu Shahrain in Iraq), founded in Mesopotamia along the Fertile Crescent’s Euphrates River around 5400 B.C., was believed by the Sumerians to be the first city in the … Read more

growing potatoes in a bag container

Growing Potatoes in Containers: 10 Easy Steps

Planting potatoes in pots is the best growing method for the busy gardener who lacks space and good garden soil. It’s fast, easy, and gives you more control over the potato growing conditions. And, with the right grow guide, you will find that using pots for your potatoes is a failproof method to ensure a … Read more