20 amp, 125 volt orange electrical outlet

Orange Electrical Outlets

Before we get into how an orange power outlet works, let’s go over what they mean. The Meaning Of Orange Orange outlets mean that the ground is isolated and not connected to the outlet’s yoke or mounting strap to provide “clean” power. Indicated by the small green triangle on the outside of the outlet. NOTE: … Read more

SuperAttic System Review ~ Dr. Energy Saver

The SuperAttic system is proprietary to Dr. Energy Saver (company website). They aim to add insulation to your rafters instead of the attic floor. Since most people install flooring for additional storage space in the attic, here is a video highlighting the system: Lets review some of what they state on the website. Combines Insulation, … Read more

Can You Vent a Clothes Dryer Inside?

The exhaust from a traditional clothes dryer is full of moisture and lint. Clothes dryers should always be vented directly to the outside. Lint is one of the main issues. The problem with lint is that it is damp and sticks on everything, leading to gumming up anything it comes into contact with. Tiny particles of lint … Read more

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