The Overlooked Edible – Bringing Mallow from Garden to Table

Mallow is a wild edible highly esteemed for its various food uses, and chances are, it’s already growing in your backyard. This hollyhock relative is widespread across the United States and is a wonderful edible plant to become acquainted with.  While there are several mallow plants, this article specifically covers Malva neglecta, which is commonly … Read more

From Fear to Feast: The Truth About Edible Black Nightshade Berries

When I was first told black nightshade berries were edible, my first reaction was skepticism and disbelief. I think this a common reaction, as the word “nightshade” is riddled with fear and lore as it’s believed to be a deadly poisonous plant.  While this is true for some species in the nightshade family, several others … Read more

Spilanthes: The Herb for Natural Oral Health & More

Peculiar and other-worldly, Spilanthes delights the senses. As a flower, you probably assume it possesses a captivating scent, but that’s not where its uniqueness lies. The flower itself is certainly uncommon, which adds to its intrigue. But the taste – more like the incredible mouth sensation it produces upon only the tiniest nibble- sets this … Read more

Purple Dead Nettle: The Wild Food In Your Backyard

It’s amazing how many wild and free foods are available to us. You may be surprised to hear that many of the scornful weeds you have growing in your backyard are edible and medicinal. That’s right; with a keen eye and plant identification knowledge in your tool belt, you can start foraging for food and medicine without … Read more

The Compelling Truth About The Traditional Contribo Herb

A well-loved tropical vine, known as contribo herb, is highly regarded for its various medicinal purposes. Across Central and South America, this unique plant has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions and is still used in a similar fashion today.  While many locals will praise this natural healer and online … Read more

10 Best Chamomile Companion Plants & 3 You Should Avoid

Chamomile is well known for its pleasant and comforting taste as an herbal tea, but did you know it’s also an excellent addition to the garden?  Just imagine dainty white and yellow flowers swaying in the breeze, nuzzled between clambering cucumber vines and vibrant green lettuce heads. Not only do its lovely little flowers create … Read more

Nature’s Sunblock? Learn The Many Benefits of Kalawalla Herb

Ferns are one of nature’s treasures with their feathery leaves filling the understory of forests across North, Central, and South America. While ferns are a well-known plant, some ferns stand out amongst their relatives. This isn’t due to their appearance or stature; rather, it’s because of their incredible health benefits as medicinal herbs.  There are … Read more

The Fascinating Healing Benefits of Guaco Herb

Across the globe, medicinal plants grow abundantly – from the tropics to the high mountain valleys to arid deserts. Every environment and place in the world has traditional herbs used for centuries to heal and aid the local people.  One such herb largely unknown or mentioned in North American herbalism is the guaco herb. This … Read more

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