Anthurium Plant Care: 101 Beginner’s Guide for Beautiful Blooms

The philodendron family, which includes anthuriums, prefers moist, humid, warm circumstances to dry and chilly ones. Numerous anthurium varieties exist, but only three are appropriate for growing as an indoor houseplant. 

These three feature broad, arrow-shaped leaves on thin stalks: 

  • Anthurium andraeanum 
  • Anthurium scherzerianum
  • Anthurium guatemala

We’ll cover some other varieties and give you Anthurium care tips, so you’ll have a healthy plant with some beautiful blooms year-round.

Quick Facts: Anthurium Plants

NamesAnthurium, Flamingo Flower, Tailflower, Laceleaf 
Scientific NameAnthurium spp.
Plant FamilyAraceae
Plant TypeHerbaceous perennial
Mature Plant Size9- to 12-inch spread, 12-18 in. tall
Sun TypeRequires bright indirect light
SoilNeeds moist, coarse potting mix
Soil pHAcidic (below 7)
Bloom PeriodWill flower year-round, usually in 3-month time spans
Flower ColorWhite, pink, red that has a contrasting spadix
Hardiness ZonesUSDA Zonese 11 to 12
Native AreasCaribbean, South & Central America
ToxicityToxic to pets and humans

They all have flowers that remain vibrant and robust for several weeks.

New plants are grown commercially from seeds. However, this calls for specialized knowledge and circumstances and is frequently out of the reach of a novice grower with inadequate facilities. 

Anthuriums are delicate plants that require specialized care; always purchase them from a reputable nursery or houseplant specialist. Make sure the plant’s leaves are healthy, spotless, and shiny. 

It makes no difference if there aren’t any blooms because you can only tell a plant’s color from its flowers.


a. Andraeanum&Nbsp;

This anthurium is arguably the most difficult to grow because it requires high humidity and temperatures to thrive. Nevertheless, it features stunning flowers carried on long stalks and petioles.

An Anthurium andraeanum that is well-cared for makes a lovely houseplant. The magnificent blossoms come in pink, peach, and mauve hues.

Anthurium andraeanum

Features flower bracts with a puckered appearance and a lacquered-looking sheen. Each plant will have four to six flowers annually since anthuriums bloom regularly. When cut and placed in a vase of water, each blossom can live on the plant for many weeks or around six weeks.

a. Guatemala&Nbsp;&Nbsp;

Given the right circumstances, this cultivar will bloom most of the year. 

a. Scherzerianum (Flaming Flower, Flamingo Flower, Flamingo Plant, Pigtail Flower, Pigtail Plant, Tail Flower)

Flaming Flower in a garden

Its leaves are heart-shaped and dark green. Throughout the summer, 3-4in (7.5-10cm) long, beautiful crimson spathes with spiraling orange-red spadices appear (fleshy, stiff, usually brightly colored flower spikes).

This anthurium is suitable for indoor environments. Flamingo flower, one of the plant’s common names, refers to its oddly shaped reddish-pink spathe with its curled spadix. High relative humidity promotes flowering.

Anthurium Crystallinum&Nbsp;(Crystal Anthurium)

The evergreen perennial with heart-shaped leaves is up to 2 feet long and 1 foot wide. 

Initially violet, they mature to a deep green color and have ivory-lined veins and midribs on the upper surfaces. The undersides are pale pink.

Common Problems

Leaves Turning Yellow

The plant is too wet and cold, so let it dry out and move it to a warmer place.

Flower Wilting

This frequently happens due to poor conditions, including a cold environment.

Brown Patches

These show that fungus is present. If possible, remove diseased growth and spray it with a prescribed fungicide.

Ideal Growing Conditions

Water Needs

During the summer and the primary growing season, keep the plant well-watered. Wintertime necessitates less watering, but avoid letting the soil dry out or become soggy since this will make the plant wilt.


A healthy plant needs even warm temperatures of 65–70°F (18–21°C), and a drastic change in the weather, especially in the winter or at night, will not make it more comfortable. These plants were originally from the tropics.

Therefore they require both sufficient temperature and high humidity.

Location & Lighting

Anthuriums need plenty of bright light; however, if they are placed by a window, they must be shielded from the sun’s intensity.

Nevertheless, the plants are magnificent, and one or two species grow relatively large when fully grown, so you can place them in a roomy, private area.

Fertilizer / Feed

While the plant is active, feed it with liquid once a week; as the development slows toward winter, lessen the feeding. No feeding is required when the Anthurium plant is dormant during the winter.

Plant Care During the Seasons

Anthuriums are challenging to cultivate. Therefore, keeping the right temperature and humidity levels while protecting them from drafts is essential.

The plant should thrive as long as these requirements are met and it isn’t over or under-watered. When possible, rainwater should be used, though it can also be sprayed on the leaves. These can occasionally be cleaned with a gentle sponge, but do not use it on tender, young leaves.

Preferred Soil

It is necessary to use an open potting soil that is made up of equal parts peat, sphagnum moss, and partially decomposed leaf mold. Before adding soil, fill the pot with pebbles to help the soil drain properly.

Once every three to four months, Anthuriums treat with a fertilizer of 1/4 strength. Choose a fertilizer with a more significant phosphorus amount to produce the most incredible flowers (the middle number).

How to Get Beautiful Anthurium Blooms

Yes, anthurium care can be challenging. But the additional work is worthwhile because of their distinctively lovely blossoms. Each flower has a lifespan of around six weeks, and it might come back and bloom again.

Unfortunately, blooms may be unable to be seen. If your plant is too root-bound, has wet soil, or has inadequate light.

To get this plant to blossom, you’ll need high humidity levels and weekly applications of a high-phosphorus fertilizer.

Other adjustments can be made, such as switching to an orchid-specific potting mix and relocating plants away from close-by drafty windows or HVAC vents.

3 Steps to Propagate Anthurium

When anthuriums are prepared to propagate, they signal this by sending out “air roots.” The fleshy roots of anthuriums resemble knobby or tuberous growths. They’ll begin protruding from a stem above the pot’s soil level. Any time of year, this can occur.

Plants that have ceased flowering or have fewer blooms per season should be propagated. Here is how to propagate from the stem or air root cuttings:

  1. A clean container, new, well-draining soil, pruners, or a sharp, sterilized knife are all necessary. In addition, to improve your chances of successful rooting, you might choose to apply rooting hormone.
  2. Cut out the air roots with your sterile knife, or choose a stem at least 6 inches long. That also has two to three sets of leaves. If you decide to use it, dip the cut end of the stem in the rooting hormone.
  3. Place the air root or the cut end of the stem in new potting soil. Keep the soil wet by giving it plenty of water. Then, place the pot in a warm location with dappled light. You should not see any new growth for 4 to 6 weeks.

Here is a quick video that highlights how to propagate Anthurium plants (also shows what sun-burned plants look like):

References + Resources

Anthurium andraeanumPDF

100 Varieties of Anthurium: PDF

Davin is a jack-of-all-trades but has professional training and experience in various home and garden subjects. He leans on other experts when needed and edits and fact-checks all articles.

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